Learn more about the specifics of child support and how it works.

What is child support?
Child support is monetary funds paid monthly from on parent to another to aid in the financial support of the child. Child support law is dictated by Florida Statue 61.30.
How is child support determined?
Child support is a complex issue. Which parent pays child support and how much the child support is calculated from pre-determined guidelines. Attorneys often use spreadsheets to help with the calculation. The calculation depends on a number of factors. Some of these factors include how much time the child spend with each parent, the income of each parent, and what each parent spends on health insurance and daycare for the child. If the parents are sharing the child 50/50, this does not necessarily mean there will be no child support owed. It is likely that the parent with more income will have to pay child support to the parent with less income.
How is child support paid?
Child support can be paid a multitude of ways. The parents can mail a check or send funds through an app. Child support can also be paid through an Income Deduction Order (IDO). An IDO is an order signed by a judge that takes the amount of child support directly out of the parent’s pay check and deposits it into the account of the other parent. IDOs are especially helpful if the parent who owes child support does not pay consistently or timely.